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Friday, March 26, 2010

Lensbaby Texture Overlay

I was taken to these flowers by a conservatory employee, who was very excited about the photo possibilities. So, I get there and the flowers were creeping up a wired trellis and was very busy and unorganized. After I thanked her profusely, she left. I planned on leaving via a different doorway so that she wouldn't see me and possibly be offended. But, as I walked around the area I was thinking of how to treat this subject to make it simpler and more visually palatable. My first move to choose to shoot the lensbaby w/ a wide aperture to completely blur the background, yet achieve some selective focus, and lowering the prominence of the wires. This simplified the image, but it still wasn't quite where I wanted it to be. One of the "secrets" to texture overlays is to pick the right one to compliment the subject. The "chipped" part of the texture worked well on the left 2/3 of the frame, and the sharpest flowers in the scene advanced against the cool background. Also, compositionally, visual movement was created by three twigs flowing diagonally from right to left.


Alfie said...

Love this, Tony! I saw it earlier and wondered about the background; so thanks for the explanation. Way to go making lemonade out of lemons!

@sMichaelGriffin said...

Wow; lovely photo

krystmad said...

Tony, great photo lensbaby blury background connected with partly sharp flowers ... it seems little like connection of two images ... I like it very much

Laura said...

The texture you choose makes the wire fence blend with the background to look like a glass window. Very nice!

Sam Pardue said...

Beautiful use of selective focus, Tony.

Tomas Turecek said...

Excellent work on this. I agree with Laura - the fence together with the background looks like a window.

flowers vijayawada said...

Great pictures. Thanks for sharing with us.

Tony Sweet said...

Thank you all for your very kind comments!

Julia Martin said...

it seems little like connection of two images. it seems little like connection of two images

send flowers to philippines said...

I was so fascinated by this picture! Such a lovely flower! =)