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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Himalayan blue poppy

Still having fun with Totally Rad's Dirty Pictures texture plugin.
I thought that this mid eastern wall pattern would work well over the Himalayan blue poppy, kind of giving it a sense of place. The depth in this was created by painting out the texture from the orange center.
Back to Longwood Gardens in the morning!


John Arnold said...


Are you able to use your own textures with the Totally Rad Dirty Pictures software or are you limited to just the ones that they have that ship with the software? The last couple of posts make it sound like you are using your own texture shots. So I am a little unclear.


Tony Sweet said...

The software comes with a set of 20 or so, but you can certainly add your own. The thing about TR is the ability to control how you apply the texture, and the ability to switch them in and out with ease without constantly opening and closing texture files.

John Arnold said...


Thanks for the clarification.

Stacey said...

Hey Tony, just visited your new blogs. You are putting out entries faster than I can keep up!

Great unexpected combination of image and texture.

Anonymous said...

Are you a photographer or a graphic designer? These are so heavily edited images that they don't even look like pictures anymore, more like graphic design.

Tony Sweet said...

Hey Anonymous: why can't we be both?

Stacey said...

Amen Tony!

flowers vijayawada said...

I believe Himalayas is a part of India. Is this flower origin is fram Himalayas ?

Anonymous said...

Vija: I believe that there origin is in the Himalayas, but not absolutely sure.

Unknown said...

Loved your response to Anonymous! An artist is an artist, doesn't matter what you choose to do with an image...

send flowers to philippines said...

I was just wondering how did you do it? its really pretty.