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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Cowen Technique - aka Spin-Zoom

This may not be new, but it was new to me when I noticed a private workshop client moving the camera in a unique way and coming up with some very cool abstract interpretations. I noticed that Matt was zooming while twisting the camera. After a few attempts on my own, I liked what was happening and added this technique to my bag of tricks! Quite simply, while hand holding the camera, twist the camera while zooming in or out (it depends). In this blog image, I zoomed out quickly during a very short exposure (1/4sec). It took about 6 exposures to get to where I was in the ballpark of what I was looking for, then shot a few more. What made this a bit challenging was that the subject area was a small patch of very low to the ground flowers and it was bright overcast. Rather than digging out my Singh Ray VariND, I found that rapidly twisting and turning the camera during the short exposure worked well and created more of a sense of motion. This file is raw, meaning that it was saved as a jpeg for posting without any digital optimization. Shot with Nikon D3X and 24-70mm f/2.8 lens.
Thank, Matt, for this very creative technique!


One Million Tulips said...

Love the technique - this is my favourite

Rabin Ramah said...

I tried it but it didn't turn out like this - I posted it under Fall Rhapsody - I still like the image though - will try again today - if sunny - thnaks 4D lesson.